Obits Jamaica - Celebrating Life


In loving memory ofCharles Burgess

Charles Burgess

BURGESS - Charles "Chester": September 17 ,1915 - October 5, 2012. Late of Widcombe Road and Devon Road. Leaving relatives friends and Associates. Thanksgiving service will be held on November 3 at Sts. Peter & Paul Church 120 Old Hope Road Kgn 6 at 10:00am. Cheerful colours please. Donations gratefully accepted for Kingston College and Sts Peter & Paul Outreach Programmes.

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This Tribute Message was sent by

John Lewis

We've just read about Chesters death. I worked for Alcan in the UK for Alcan Jamaica. We enjoyed Chesters visits to Banbury Export Services in UK for procurement.My family visited Jamaica in the 80s & were entertained by Chester. We agreed to raise a

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